Layer & Mesh strives to be a responsible company
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is the idea that companies should take responsibility for how they affect society, from an economic, environmental and social perspective. Layer & Mesh strives to be a responsible company. A proactive approach, where we take responsibility in relation to the outside world, customers, suppliers and employees, is fundamental in this work. Our work for sustainable development is based on the UN Global Compact’s and OECD’s principles for companies’ actions regarding consumer and public interest, labor law, environmental considerations, anti-corruption and human rights. We sponsor a number of different organizations with our knowledge, technology and know-how.
Since the company’s inception, we have highlighted environmental issues and want to do what we can to contribute to a sustainable society.
We do this continuously by constantly developing and simplifying environmentally efficient communication solutions as well as conserving resources and taking care of our waste in the best possible way. When investing and choosing suppliers, environmental aspects are taken into account to reduce material and resource utilization. Environmental criteria are a natural part of our purchasing process. In our work to reduce environmental impact, the following focus areas have been highlighted: Source sorting and recycling, Emissions and energy consumption, Eco-efficient procurements and purchasing. We shall comply with or exceed applicable environmental and work environment laws or other requirements. Environmental, health and safety issues are an integral part of our business.Lean on Me Foundation
We will help children and young people, now and in then
Whether we are talking about severe illness or unhappiness that can create psychological exclusion, or if we are talking about children in social misery, Lean On Me and its volunteers should be there as a mainstay. The foundation’s purpose is to support, stimulate and improve the quality of life for children and young people, who through illness, accident, or social misery have had a hard and unfair start in life, through funds received in the form of gifts, grants, and testamentary orders from outsiders as well as other funds that may accrue to the Foundation.Learn more
Support Luna
and her family
Lean on Me Foundation
We intend to recapture life together with Luna and to support her in having a playful, thriving childhood. Create conditions for community, security and togetherness in special moments like families gathering for the holidays. Especially families who are suffering life trauma where the opportunity to gather around and with Luna is absolutely crucial for us when the ground has crumbled under our feet.