The story

“The Internet is just a passing thing”

During the mid-1990s, the founders of Layer & Mesh were pioneers of the tool that almost everyone works with today. In just a year, the founders sold over 500,000 fax modems with something new – the Internet! It was an instant success and the Internet had a rapid impact and in a short time has changed almost everything in society. Recently, however, confidence in the Internet has failed.

The digital war has escalated and now it is not just about government forces testing each other’s vulnerability online. Both hackers and large social networking groups can easily knock out important social functions. Several countries are now launching their own and completely isolated networks. It seems more and more like the Internet has really just been passing thing, after all.

In the midst of this turbulent time of change, the idea of ​​creating Layer & Mesh was born. A development company that assumes that every new day has something new to offer, new code, knowledge, new protocols or technology. With an ambition to challenge others and ourselves, we will stand for renewal and completely new opportunities.


Win or disappear?

We want you to succeed! We develop not only unique platforms but also the world’s fastest networks. Together, this forms the basis for the next technological revolution.

We help you communicate all infrastructure such as capacity, accessibility, security, platforms, private & GDPR secure clouds, Internet access, Intranet and SD-WAN solutions.


Highest availability, capacity and security is a really good start.

Computers are today an unused resource, like today’s cars, they are parked in homes and in businesses without being used for much of the day. This is a huge waste with a huge environmental impact. We are now enabling a rapid change in development and a focus on shared resources. Only buy the performance when it is actually needed, you always have access to the best performance at the lowest cost and with the least possible environmental impact.