Stokab live webinar – 29 April, 2021

How can access to fibre networks play a key role in enabling the Green Deal? Layer & Mesh CEO Daniel Persson deltar i paneldiskussionen.

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Welcome and opening speech
Mayor of the City of Stockholm, Anna König Jerlmyr

Presentation of the study “Neutral fibre and the European Green Deal”
Ilsa Godlovitch, Director of WIK-Consult in Brussels

”Electronic communications policy in the face of the sustainability challenge”
Carlota Reyners Fontana, Head of Unit, Electronic Communications Policy, DG Connect, European Commission

Panel Debate

The panel debate begin with contributions from two different players that have used fibre networks to support climate smart solutions; Daniel Persson, CEO of Layer & Mesh, which offers virtual machine clusters, and Erik Rylander, Head of Stockholm Data Parks, where energy from data centres is re-used for heating.

A panel discussion with the participating speakers will then follow:

Ilsa Godlovitch, Director of WIK-Consult in Brussels

Carlota Reyners Fontana, Head of Unit, Electronic Communications Policy, DG Connect, European Commission

Daniel Persson, CEO Layer & Mesh

Erik Rylander, Head of Stockholm Data Parks

The webinar will be moderated by Magnus Franklin, Managing Director at Teneo.